Female Emcee Gillian Tan started off as an actress and a model,before embarking on emceeing. She has emceed at several high profile events, finding a niche as a competent children's and shopping centre emcee. Besides a multitude of lead episodic, guest and recurring roles on all the local network channels, she has also landed series regular roles on four different TV dramas and comedies, three in the English language (Channel i's Durian King, Kids Central's Kids Rock, Channel News Asia's Bertha's Nest) and one in Mandarin (Channel U's Hu Jia). Outside of Singapore, played the lead in "The Black Rabbit", written & directed by Eric Dapkewicz (Dreamworks' talented editor for Puss in Boots, Monsters vs Aliens, etc) in 2007. Jilly had a ball in Vietnam as the campy villain, Linh, for the French TV series, "Deja Vu' (France 2), directed by Luccio Di Rosa in 2009. She also flew to China to work with Pearry Reginald Teo & Amy Krell on the North American telemovie "Witchville" (Syfy, USA) in 2010. Gillian's stage debut was the role of "Oberon" in Action Theatre's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", directed by the Dennis Tan, under Krishen Jit's supervision, as well as Hemang Yadav's "Stage", Lionel Chok's "Adultery", and Elangovan's "Oh!". As an emcee, she has worked with several companies, and the list below is just a small sample.